Monday, July 6, 2020

Rules For Indians (or anyone else who was Born To Run)--How To Survive: Rule No. 4

4.  You have no allies, confederates or friends.

      You will be a ripe subject for the judgments, criticisms and analysis' of any and all authority figures. You will have little power to negotiate. He who has the power to define, has the power; but,.. you do not have to give it to him. The white man loves labels, do not go to him for help, you will only get a label and a judgement against your future. Doctors, teachers, police and pastors are not your allies, if they don't want money, they want power, if they don't want power, they want sex, if they don't want sex, they want your time, nothing to benefit you and things you will have to live with.  The scars from how they treat you and the things they will do to you will last a lifetime, it's almost impossible to avoid all of it.  Advice they have to offer only will apply to people of the same background and can be a tragic mistake for you to follow.
     It wasn't that long ago when priests and teachers molested our young with impunity, it wasn't that long ago when children were illegally taken away from their parents and put in white homes. Stories of children having their mouths washed with soap for speaking in their own tongue are par for the course. His values, language and culture are his, of course he wants you to be him(misery loves company), but you are not. Everything he does in relation to you is to make you like himself, and to do whatever was done to him.  The propaganda that we are fed from our childhood is that we should aspire to be like him in every way.  Maybe a more useful analogy would be to look at everything like we do the Catholic Church or the Boyscouts.  That it's all for show and what is expected and asked of you for acceptance is not something that makes it worth it.  Consider yourself warned.
     In the rare case where they actually mean well, it is still a model of the world based an in-congruent world view and so, as the saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".
      You are alone, if you are urban you are doubly so, your loved ones are often 100's and 1,000's of miles away and can stop nothing bad that happens to you from there. You have no friends and will find yourself on the bottom of any pecking order of any kind and will not have the proper disposition to rise from it. Do not trust the hybrid aboriginals who use the "brother" line, they are as bad or worse than the colonizer and are either full of bad habits and in a process of slow dissipation or they are among the super-colonized as previously defined. You will find it impossible to work with Indians who cower in the presence of the white man but do everything to play the white man with you. What's more, hanging out in groups is a violation of rule No 1. Also, do not make the fatal mistake of thinking the people you see everyday, work with or even have a relationship with as your friend or ally.  Just think of all the "friends" you went to school or worked with in the past and how little they are really a part of your life today.             Never forget that you are alone, save for God,trust no one and you will survive. Trust anyone and be disappointed, dead or in jail. Consider yourself warned.

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