Monday, July 6, 2020

Rules For Indians (or anyone else who was Born To Run) How To Survive: Rule No. 6

6.  Accept, learn to live with, ignore, distract yourself with any positive activity from all the trauma's that have happened to you. 

     No one but God can change the past, what is done is done.  What you do from here on out is up to you.  You will not escape the effect of things that have happened to you.  You may wonder how you will get through life in this condition, you will think of suicide.  Rates of suicide for our people are the highest of any demographic.  The most dangerous time is in the night, when the rest of the world is away and all those things come back to haunt you.  You can't stop them, but you can use them and grow used to them.  At a certain point, you will feel more at home with all of those bad memories and obsessions which once made you question your place in the universe.  At this point, you assume some control over these thoughts and feelings and can more or less turn them off or just let them run their course while you do the most important thing...Surviving!

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