Monday, July 6, 2020

Rules For Indians (or anyone else who was Born To Run)--How To Survive: Rule No. 2

2.     Do not partake in any legal or illegal substances which compromise your cognitive abilities. Stay away from those who do and if you can't, keep it all away from your loved ones who can abstain. Drugs and alcohol are the source of wasted time, ruined health, take away your ability to look out for yourself and are a catalyst for all sorts of crimes and tragedies. Also, the pure stupidity they cause can make you a target of criminals and/or the police. Staggering around, behaving erratically, aggressively or passing out only draws the attention of those who mean you no good (refer to rule no. 1). Let the people argue over someone else who got shot and killed in cold blood, for all the picket signs and social theories cannot bring you back from death.

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